
Celebrating Lammas (Wheel of the Year)

Celebrating Lammas (Wheel of the Year)

Hayley Law

How will you celebrate Lammas? At The Goddess Garden Australia, we bake bread, use homegrown herbs, and decorate our altars in harmony with Earth. Learn more about Lammas traditions. 

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Celebrating Lammas (Wheel of the Year)

Hayley Law

How will you celebrate Lammas? At The Goddess Garden Australia, we bake bread, use homegrown herbs, and decorate our altars in harmony with Earth. Learn more about Lammas traditions. 

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The Darkmoon In Aquarius on 29th Jan 11.35pm

The Darkmoon In Aquarius on 29th Jan 11.35pm

Hayley Law

This Aquarius Darkmoon Moon begins a lunar cycle focused on envisioning a new reality, breaking free from old patterns, and releasing our attachment to the past.

The Darkmoon In Aquarius on 29th Jan 11.35pm

Hayley Law

This Aquarius Darkmoon Moon begins a lunar cycle focused on envisioning a new reality, breaking free from old patterns, and releasing our attachment to the past.

Bowls of herbs on an altar.

The Goddesses of Herbal Lore and the essence of...

Goddess' Garden Bookings

Celebrate and explore the two main goddess who are aligned for me with regards to herbal lore.

The Goddesses of Herbal Lore and the essence of...

Goddess' Garden Bookings

Celebrate and explore the two main goddess who are aligned for me with regards to herbal lore.

Elements and Elemental Magic

Elements and Elemental Magic

Goddess' Garden Bookings

Working with Elements is a foundational skill for magic. Learn how to add Earth, Air, Fire and Water into your magical  practice.

Elements and Elemental Magic

Goddess' Garden Bookings

Working with Elements is a foundational skill for magic. Learn how to add Earth, Air, Fire and Water into your magical  practice.

The Darkmoon and its Herbal Apocathery

The Darkmoon and its Herbal Apocathery

Goddess' Garden Bookings

As the wisest and oldest phase of the moon, the Darkmoon's potent voidal power is ruled by the crone Goddess Hecate.

The Darkmoon and its Herbal Apocathery

Goddess' Garden Bookings

As the wisest and oldest phase of the moon, the Darkmoon's potent voidal power is ruled by the crone Goddess Hecate.