Elements and Elemental Magic

Elements and Elemental Magic

First posted: 18 April 2023

The Alchemy Within

Throughout my life, I have worked directly with the five elements, which are the basis for any Magick or AlchemyI am often asked how I am able to make such amazing products, how do I weave and create manifestation and abundance so effortlessly.

The Answer is simple: it’s within you.

This is why my next workshop will focus on working with the Elements and Elementals. It will help you develop the mastery, knowledge and understanding of the foundations of magic and your own energy field that are necessary to work with them.

The Elements are powerful Allies, part of the Living magic that is Earth, the Living embodiment of the Feminine with which we reside in creation.
Adjusting the balance of or working with a particular element is a powerful tool to change your own energy for the better.

Working with the Elements

Most people aren’t aware of their Elemental balance or their Elemental body and don’t know how to activate change and achieve Elemental balance. Howver, we can weave and create with the Elements in accordance with Earth Harmony.

And so I have created a powerful Element Alchemy range of products to help people remember their connection with Earth and acheive harmony once more.

What I share and teach in my Element circles is passed on by spoken word only; you won’t find them on a podcast or in a book.

By working with the Elementals, we can heal. For example, help reduce a temperature in an instant, treat a common cold, help stop bleeding or help broken bones heal. We can also protect our homes and, in the case of natural disasters, work with the Elements instead of against them.

Over my 25 years of experience with house clearings, I have found my ability to work with the Elements - speaking to either the water, or the earth below the house - has been the key to success in some of the biggest clearings. Elements are our co-creators and it’s time to return to working with them in harmony.

Contining your Elemental Magic journey

Read on below to learn more about the elements: Air, Earrh, Fire and Water, their correspondences and properties as well as the crystals, plants, animals and their Elementals.

I also invite you to join me in the first of my Elemental workshops: Earth Magic - The Earth Elements and Youon the 22 May. I will introduce you to your elemental body and elemental guides as you weave and create directly with Earth Consciousness in harmony once more. We will discuss altars, temples and Element magic that is hidden within every day life and through the realms of time. We will bring forth the power of your own soul and a your elemental birthright.

You might also like to explore our limited edition FIX Elemental Alchemy Ritual Oils, which work with the Elemental forces to stabilise the elements within your home, environment and body, helping you to achieve grounded balance in all you be and do,

an eagle in flight representing AIR


The Air Element corresponds to the Eastern part of creation. It symbolises a vast network of vital breath, from the winds that brought the Universe into being to the first cry of a newborn baby or or the first breath of life itself (Om).

Whereas Earth is “fixed”, Air is most definitely a mover. It’s also connected to the mind, wisdom, spirits and the soul. Air is considered masculine in contrast to Earth which is very feminine and, In Wicca, practitoners often use a wand to represent the Element of Air., thinking of as the moving branch from which it came, ever touched by the winds. Other traditions correlate Air with the sword because the movement of a sword allows us to hear what we cannot see.

Crystals & Stones
For those born into the Air element it can be really helpful to surround yourself with crystals & stones that support clarity and lucidity, including spiritual visions. Stones such as Blue Aventurine, Citrine, Diamond, Labradorite, Moonstone, Topaz and Zircon also excellent choices, and can help improve your intuition, safety in travel, and boost your communication skills.

As you might expect, most winged or flying creatures come under the Air Element’s dominion. Some specific creatures that have strong Air associations are Bats, Butterflys, Bees, Eagles, Hawks, Humming Birds, and Owls.

Many plants of the Air Element move gently on the breeze. Some plants traditionally associated with the Air include Anise, Birch, Cedar (due to the aroma), Lemongrass, Pansy, Primrose and Violet.

Sylphs and in some cultures, Fae, are the elementals of the Air.
Carried and existing in Air and as a lower vibration of Ether, these elementals represent the magic that pertains to air, wind, breath, the mind, thought and the mental realms.<

A flower in bloom representing Earth


The Earth Element represents the ultimate feminine principle of the Universe , the Mother Goddess from whom all life springs and returns. Earth is fertile, nurturing, grounding, strong and transformational, honoring Nature’s cycles and changes. Earth provides the stable environment from which all life (as we know it) springs, lives and thrives.

It is the foundation of all things. Earth (aka Gaia or Mother Earth) receives the “seeds” of all other Elements and, in turn, gifts us with abundance. For any form of divination or magic, the Earth Element provides grounding, Abundance, foundations, security, stability, vitality and repesents physical realm of all solid mass including our bodies.

Vibrationally, the Element of Earth is alinged with the Number Eight. This is an ideal number for the Earth Element being doube Four, which brings balance. Metaphysically it ties in with dharma and karma.

Crystals & Stones
Coal, Copper, Emerald, Halite, Hematite, Iron Ore, Picture Jasper, Jet, Peridot, Petrified Wood, Salt and Green Tourmaline.

Wolf, Bear, Gopher, Worm, Stag, Bison, Ant and all animals that burrow under the soil

Wheat, Barley, Sage, Corn, Ivy, Mugwort, Oak, Patchouli; Potatoes; Moss; Ground covers

Gnomes are associated with the Earth ans they they live within it, in underground realms and soil. They pertain the riches of Earth and to Gold, in both the physical and spiritual sense. Earth elementals ensure that we have clean soil and teach us to dig our roots deep into the Earth.

a tortoise swimming in crystal clear water


Water is associated with the cardinal direction of the West and the colour blue, In alchemy, Water is represented by a downward-facing triangle. It is often associated with emotion, intuition, and uniqueness. It is wonderful to use if you wish to delve deeper into your psyche and self to discover the ups and downs of your mind. The Water Element embodies the liquid state of flexibility, receptivity, and inertia.

It assimilates, internalizes, softens, mixes, inhibits, homogenizes, fills, and dissolves. It wins by yielding, changing shape, adapting to circumstances, and bypassing the obstacles it encounters. Inexorably from the source where it is born it slowly reaches the sea, becoming first a stream and then a river in a continuous process of transformation which is its true strength.

Crystals & Stones
Blue Agate, Aquamarine, Fluorite, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Moonstone and Silver. Along with this group goes, of course, shells of all kinds.

Dolphins, whales, seals, water snakes, sea birds and all creatures that live in lakes, rivers, oceans and other bodies of water.

Apple, Apple Blossom, Cherry, Lemon Balm (one of my favorites), Comfrey, Catnip, Rose, Thyme, Elde, Eucalyptus, Kava-Kava, Poppy, Skullcap, Yarrow and any aquatic plants.

Undines and other Water elementals are found anywhere there is water and speak to our emotions. Some Water Elementals love inhabiting flowing water, while others prefer more still, deep waters. On a personal and physical level, they work to help us with our empathy and our healing ability. Water elementals can also help us maintain keep our body fluids, like blood, lymph, interstitial fluids in good condition, helping eliminate toxins out of our bodies which is one reason to keep hydrated!

a raging camp fire


The fire element symbolises the power of passion, creativity, and inspiration. This element represents the ability to create something out of nothing. It represents energy, the drive for action and the ability to move forward in spite of obstacles. When this element is balanced, there is no fear of failure and you can achieve your goals.

The Fire Element spurs us on to do great things. It is the energy and force behind our greatest and worst acts as humans. It corresponds to the heart chakra and is associated with love, passion, creativity, ambition, self-expression, and communication.

Fire is incorporated into witchcraft through the use of candles, incense, torches, fire pits, bonfires, campfires, and any other form of fire used for magical purposes.

Crystals & Stones
Amber, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Garnet, Fire Opal, Gold, Ruby, Sunstone and Tiger’s Eye.

Lions, tigers, cats, dragons, phoenix, scorpion, lizards, snakes and most reptiles.

Rosemary, Marigold, sunflowers,
Cinnamon, Chili, Pepper, Cloves, Ginger, Wormwood, Asafoetida

Djinn and Salamanders (quite different to the little lizard-like amphibions people keep as pets) are two forms of Fire Elementals. Ruling all things related to fire and heat, including volcanoes and lightening. Often, when we are gazing into a blazing bonfire, we can see dancing figures in the flames. These are the Fire Elementals that have come to commune with us and join in our festivities. Fire Elemental work to tear down and build up, for only when we clear out the old can something new grow up in its place.

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