Bowls of herbs on an altar.

The Goddesses of Herbal Lore and the essence of Goddess Garden Australia

Herbal lore and the Goddess 

Herbal lore is often associated with the wise women like me and my many sisters who were persecuted as witches in the in centuries pasts for their forbidden knowledge:  herbal lore linked to Star wisdom and the inner temples of Earth. 
However many practitioners of herbalism and healing survived to pass their knowledge on. In my 30 years of study, I have been privileged to learn from women of this lineage, leading to the development of The Goddess Garden Australia.

Fundermentally, the essence of the Goddess of Earth, herbalism and their essence is more then mythology; they are the spirit and daughters of Earth, and magick themselves. 

I’ve decided to celebrate and explore the two main goddess aligned for me with regards to herbal lore.


Panacea's name will  be familiar to many today, as the name used to refer to a remedy, cure pr solution for  all difficulties or diseases.

In Greek mythology, Panacea was the daughter of Asclepius (a demi-god  student of Chiron's whose staff entwined with snakes is used as the symbol of medicine).

Panacea and her four sisters were known collectively as the Asclepiades, and each had her specific role in the healing.

  • Hygieia's name forms the root of the English word "hygeine" and, fittingly, she is the the goddess of cleanliness and sanitation
  • Iaso was the goddess of recuperation from illness
  •  Aceso held dominion over the healing process for wounds, and
  • Aigle was the goddess of radiant, healthy glows as such as acheived after exercising

Panacea herself was the goddess of plant-based medicine, associated with herbal lore, and the salves and medicines that were made from the herbs. She was thought to have a  herb that could cure or heal anything. Fittingly, she was often invoked during the making of medicines and ointments.

Panacea is  very close to my heart and she said is very much alive in my garden and in many of my products. I have previously made a balm in her honour, and although it currently not in production i may bring it back in the future.


Like many of the keepers of herbal lore in mythology, Panacea was born into a medicinal family. Similarly,Airmid belonged to the Tuatha Dé Danann, and her father was Dian Cécht, the God of Healing. Her brother, Miach, also skilled; when Nuada (the first king of the Tuatha Dé Danann) lost his arm in battle, her father was only able to replace the arm with a prosthetic made of silver. Miach took the healing a step further, placing his hands upon the silver arm, he was able to transmute it into real living flesh, effectively restoring Nuada’s arm back to him. Dian Cécht was enraged with jealously and  attempting to severe his son's head (who proved hard to kill since he hac the power of regeneration)but evutially he managed to decapitate Miach.

Airmid was devastated by the loss of her brother and stayed by his grave-side weeping into the soil. Watered by her tears, 365 magical herbs sprouted. As they grew Airmid collected these herbs, arranging them on her cloak according to their healing properties so that they could be used by the people. Alas, her father found her, and saw her herbs sorted and cataloged, ready to share with the world. Again, Dian Cécht fell into a rage, he grabbed the cloak and shook it so all the herbs mixed back together, and so that none but Airmid would ever know all of the secrets of herbalism.


We live in an age of disconnect from nature, and separation from those who hold the our sncestors' sacred healing traditions. However, there are still those who maintain the Old Ways, growing everything within the gardens. This is my aim within the Goddess Garden

Whether She, the Goddess, is invoked as Panacea, Airmid, as Goddess, we still have  much to learn from the plants that grow in the  Gardens of The Goddess and those with the wisdom to tend to them. 

Further Learning

And if you would like to learn about reconnecting to the essence of nature, herbal magic, and the earth mysteries you can learn the adepth versions and embodiments within my Temples this year:  

The Temple of The Goddess 
The Dryads 
The Garden of the Soul 
The Inner Sanctuary and many more 

IBe quick. Temple door close in March for the year. 

Subscribe to my emails to receive your free ebook and A to Z Herbal Witchery and Rituals for Magick Purposes 

All my Love Mm

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