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Mugwort Oil

Mugwort Oil

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Mugwort oil

Yes that is it’s colour!!

This oil is so deeply infused with the essence of Mugwort.

I love mugwort she is so very giving in my garden always

I have 7 bottles in total for my website.

Every loves her so much as I’m bottling her they are claiming her - so if you want one don’t dilly dally.

Mugwort is a local powerhouse herb. It can be used for a wide variety of feminine challenges, as well as digestive discomforts. It is local, abundant, and generous. Quite frankly, I am currently much more intrigued by mugwort’s magical properties, but I’ll give you a small sampling of its medicinal qualities because it’s widely applicable and just may be helpful (not that I would ever imply that magical properties are not also medicinal).

Mugwort is an herb that encourages flow, opens channels in the body systems and in our energy bodies. Its lunar energy encourages us in smooth transitions through physical cycles of menstruation, menopause, and digestion; it also encourages us to flow through the types of transitions in life in which we need to open space for new goodness to flow in. As a nervine, mugwort helps us to relax in these transitions, to understand that the transition itself is a blessing to experience. Release is natural. It leads to expansion.

Mugwort, with its potent magical properties of visions, wisdom, psychic ability, and protection, holds a revered place in the realm of witchcraft and mysticism, known as the witches oil - relates to the womb and her Magick - especially the Dark and Fullmoons

Copyright The Goddess Garden 2024

All my love Mm

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